Tulajdonosa: Csillag
L trzsknyvezett neve: RR Mighty Apple Juice
Hvneve: Apple
Neme: mn
Fajtja: appaloosa
Szletett: 2015
Szne: srga leoprd
Itt tenyszthet: -
Utdok: -
Szakga: halter (kllem), pleasure, trail, hunter (djlovagls)
Versenyeredmnyek (25 db) :
1. hely: IV. Magical Foal Appearance - western lovak
1. hely: November Foal Appearance - mncsikk
1. hely: Western Show in February - halter-mn
1. hely: Winter is Coming Appearance - csikk
1. hely: January Dressage - kezd
1. hely: Western Show in February - trail
1. hely: Merry Christmas! Appearance - amerikai lovak
1. hely: II. Little Champions of the Future - appaloosa / quarter horse
1. hely: II. Little Champions of the Future - kedvenc kp
1. hely: Beautiful Autumn Appearance - csikk
2. hely: Who is the Craziest? - msik llattal lv lovak
2. hely: December Foal Appearance - mncsik
2. hely: Head Appearance in February - mnek
2.hely: January Color Appearance - tarka
2. hely: Halloween Is Coming - csikk
2. hely: Western Show in February - pleasure
2. hely: Autumn Foal Appearance - mncsikk
2. hely: Christmas Head Appearance - mnek
2. hely: Western Lovak Klleme - csikk
2. hely: V. Magical Foal Appearance - western lovak
3. hely: III. Western Show - halter, csik
3. hely: February Dressage - kezd
3. hely: New Year's Eve Appearance - mnek
3. hely: PH - AQH - AP Appearance - appaloosa
4. hely: The 100th Race on the Magical Race Park - kllem
The Autumn's Best Horse, Best Horse, Sacensibu on Elite du Cheval
Egyb djak: 2.765.000 Ft.

Csikkori kpek:
